Data Visualization, Branding + Identity, Marketing + Advertising
In 2019, Cultivation Classic received 175 entries for their cannabis cup. Each of these samples were scientifically analyzed for terpene content, cannabinoids, THC and CBD. Each entry was also evaluated by a panel of judges, in a double blind process, on more subjective qualities: cognition impaired or focused, sedated or energized, and introspective or social. Each entry ended the judging and analytics phase with a large amount of unique data. These posters visually represent that data in a clear, effective and aesthetically pleasing way.
Designed a poster template to be used as the framework for 175 unique data sets, that would be presented in print, as posters, and in digital form on Cultivation Classic’s digital dashboard. Collaborated with front and back-end developers to ensure that the site’s dashboard digitally resembled the template, and would correctly export unique, print ready PDFs for all 175 entries. Designed a flexible layout to accommodate a large range of data points, while retaining the overall integrity and aesthetic of the design. Created color palette of 22 colors that would allow noticeable color differentiation between terpenes next to each other on the wheel. Designed and created all assets.