Movies made with After Effects.
Ruth Carter Exhibition Announcement.
Seattle's Museum of Pop Culture was opening an exhibit of Ruth E. Carter's costume designs called "Afrofuturism in Costume Design". She has worked on many shows and movies, and is known for her mastery of texture and color. Here, the colored bars will be going down and up in a layering fashion, as if she was laying out fabric to cut out patterns. The transitions use similar movements and shapes. The MoPop is a fun, exciting, and diverse museum, and the bright colors represent both Ruth's work, and that of the museum.
I wanted the visuals to be big, bold, and dynamic, fitting the tone of the song. My video represents how the persona of a public figure, and the actual person, are different, but intertwined. The images, overlaid with lyrics, are on a loop, and represent the public image, and the cycling and recycling of a persona. The images flicker and there is a noise grain throughout, representing the relentless harassment that comes with being famous, and flashes of paparazzi cameras. The flickers also show the in between empty frames that reveal the bottom layer, under all the images I used. Past the persona, down to the person. The noise is always there. This noise, though, gives a bit of cover to the real person, hiding in plain sight. Both the persona and person are one thing, and cant be separated. All the layers are needed for a full picture.
Opening titles for a TV series.
I wanted to make a visualization of music. The amount of layers and overlays of sound in a song really fascinate me. I used bright, solid colors, and high contrast, to show how much energy goes into each sound. It is bright, and excitable, and a little intense to watch, but I think it reflects what this song looks like.
Netflix Season Showcase.
Netflix tells stories. Stories tap into a shared consciousness in humans and create a visceral response. It's something you can't explain, but you feel it. I wanted to capture that energy when you hear or see something that makes you excited, and captivated, and intrigued, all at once. The energy you get while watching something that was crafted with such expertise, with visuals you will always remember, and music that enhances everything. I used visuals that are beautiful, colorful, dynamic-- clips that tell a story of their own individually, but are enhanced and play off each other, and create a new one. I used color, typography, layout, timing, and music to create an energetic sequence that leaves the viewer with a distinct feeling of elation, vivacity, momentum, and intrigue.